Health, strength, ability and defense. Who is best? We get to ranking them.
Like any good fighting game, Injustice 2 is all about balance. Not even a hefty focus on single-player content, unlockable loot and levelling characters up can dilute or change that, and beyond all the loot box gear unlocks and the like sits a basic fighting game that the developers have sought to balance: those are the base stats for each character.
While you can massage stats with equipment to change a character to be more to your liking, you have the option of playing without these effects for a more traditional and pure fighting game experience. These stats can be illuminating, as while characters fit into one of a few basic categories it’ll give you an idea of what they’re good at. The four stats for each character are:
- Strength (STR), which governs the power of a character’s normal attacks.
- Ability (ABL), which dtermines how powerful special attacks are.
- Defense (DEF), which helps to decide how much chip damage you take when blocking
- Health/Hit Points (HP), which decides exactly how much punishment you can take before being KOed
Given that Netherealm Studios has strived for balance in the development in the game it’s difficult to call right now if there’ll be an outright best, top tier character. We can use the base stats to arrange characters into tiers and rankings based on these four key areas of the game, however – so we’ve done just that. All these stats are in the game, of course, but it’s a heck of a lot easier to see everything listed and ranked on one handy page. Let’s get stuck in, shall we?
Injustice 2: Highest Strength Characters
Each character’s strength (STR) stat determines how much damage they do at a basic level with normal attacks. Gear can enhance or boost these stats, but the base stats represent a starting point and the stats for gear-free tournament play.
1250 STR: Top Tier strength fighters
- Atrocitus
- Bane
- Darkseid
- Gorilla Grodd
- Scarecrow
1150 strength fighters
- Aquaman
- Black Adam
- Brainiac
- Firestorm
- Green Lantern
- Superman
- Swamp Thing
- Wonder Woman
1100 strength fighters
- Black Canary
- Blue Beetle
- Cheetah
- Flash
- Robin
1050 strength fighters
- Batman
- Captain Cold
- Catwoman
- Cyborg
- Deadshot
- Doctor Fate
- Green Arrow
- Harley Quinn
- Joker
- Poison Ivy
- Supergirl
Injustice 2: Highest Ability Characters
The ability (ABL) stat in Injustice 2 is used to figure out how much damage special attacks do with any given character. As with other stats, gear can adjust these figures, but the base stats are used in tournament play and are the starting point.
1150 ability fighters: the top tier
- Aquaman
- Atrocitus
- Bane
- Batman
- Black Adam
- Black Canary
- Blue Beetle
- Brainiac
- Captain Cold
- Catwoman
- Cheetah
1100 ability fighters
- Cyborg
- Darkseid
- Deadshot
- Doctor Fate
- Firestorm
1050 ability fighters
- Flash
- Gorilla Grodd
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern
- Harley Quinn
- Joker
- Poison Ivy
- Robin
1000 ability fighters
- Scarecrow
950 ability fighters
- Supergirl
- Superman
- Swamp Thing
- Wonder Woman
Injustice 2: highest defense characters
The defense (DEF) stat helps to determine how much damage you take while blocking. These stats are the base and tournament levels, and can of course be boosted by gear.
1000 defense fighters: top tier blockers
- Aquaman
- Black Adam
- Brainiac
- Cyborg
- Firestorm
- Green Lantern
- Supergirl
- Superman
- Swamp Thing
- Wonder Woman
950 defense fighters
- Black Canary
- Blue Beetle
- Cheetah
- Flash
- Robin
900 defense fighters
- Atrocitus
- Bane
- Batman
- Captain Cold
- Catwoman
- Deadshot
- Doctor Fate
- Gorilla Grodd
- Green Arrow
- Harley Quinn
- Joker
- Poison Ivy
- Scarecrow
800 defense fighters
- Darksied
Injustice 2: highest health characters
Health is pretty self-explanatory, really – the more health/hit points (HP) you have, the more hits you’ll be able to endure from enemies before being knocked out and losing a round. Gear can raise this stat as with any other, but below are the tournament and starting levels.
1100 HP fighters: the top tier damage sponges
- Darkseid
1050 health fighters
- Atrocitus
- Bane
- Batman
- Captain Cold
- Catwoman
- Deadshot
- Doctor Fate
- Gorilla Grodd
- Green Arrow
- Harley Quinn
- Joker
- Poison Ivy
- Scarecrow
1000 HP fighters
- Black Canary
- Blue Beetle
- Cheetah
- Flash
- Robin
950 HP fighters
- Aquaman
- Black Adam
- Brainiac
- Cyborg
- Firestorm
- Green Lantern
- Supergirl
- Superman
- Swamp Thing
- Wonder Woman