2017年5月22日 星期一

Destiny 2 dev diary is a nice recap of what’s new and what’s getting changed

By Sherif Saed

One Destiny 2 video is all you need to decide if you’re in or not.

Bungie has released the Destiny 2 developer diary that was shown off at the game’s big reveal event last week.

This is a higher quality version of the same video, but the second viewing drives home just how comprehensive it is about what’s coming with Destiny 2. It starts off by spilling out the name of the main villain, Dominus Gaul and his objective. Gaul’s Red Legion are here to take the Traveller’s light for themselves.

We see footage of the story mission we were treated to during the livestream, then the diary goes into full bullet point mode, revealing the many different changes we’ll be seeing in Destiny 2.

Footage of the new exploration-based activities and the NPCs you’ll be seeing out in the world is shown, before the video introduces the reworked sub-classes and the new weapon system.

Destiny 2 launches September 8 on PS4, and Xbox One. The PC version does not yet have a release date.

